Manual work, brain work, trial work, lots of work, thrilling work, explanatory work, Paul’s hands – his tools…
Yet more possibilities: Paul and Ruth Gerber’s new CNC machine! Their two earlier and smaller computer-driven machines and now used to knock out quick prototypes. Paul and his team use the new baby to manufacture series components for Gerber products, the MIH watch and the ochs und junior products…
37 process steps above and 20 milling or boring interventions below – the mainspring barrel bridge…
Paul explaining the modifications the mainspring barrel is currently undergoing. This is currently the main focus of the development work for the anno cinquanta. The height of the barrel is being worked on, the thickness of the material is being increased in places – all while maintaining the overall height of the movement. Paul is explaining what changes are being made to the winding wheel depthing… I’m seized by a kind of thrill every time I enter his workshop… That’s why Ludwig Oechslin and I are focused on ochs und junior – it’s the fascination…